Workplace location
Research Innovation&Developpt
Type of contract
Thesis Student
Minimum 6 years

Candidate Profile

  • The candidate must have a PhD in fluid mechanics and have experience in the numerical simulation of multiphase flows with interface tracking 
  • Knowledge of oil-water flows is appreciated.  
  • The candidate must be skilled in programming.  
  • The candidate must be a team-worker and be proficient in English.  


We offer a post-doc position on the topic of “core-annular flows which is a flow regime that can occur in pipes transporting a viscous oil and waterThe postdoctoral work will take place at the Institute of Fluid Mechanics in Toulouse (IMFT) under the supervision of Dominique Legendre (IMFT) and Roel Belt (TotalEnergies). The post-doc will be employed by TotalEnergies with a work contract of 18 months, which can be extended up to 24 months.  


For oil fields producing a viscous crude oil, like the Tilenga field that we are currently developing, we need to transport the viscous oil in pipe over long distance. If the viscous crude oil is transported alone, the pressure drop would be so large that the capital expenses and the energy consumption would be prohibitive for the development of the field. In the case of Tilenga, this issue will be solved by injecting large quantities of water in the flowline (from 1.5 to 4 times the volume of produced oil) so that water is the continuous phase in contact with the wall, which reduces significantly the pressure drop. In the export line, the viscous crude oil will be blended with a light crude oil to obtain a reasonable mixture viscosity allowing its export over a long distance.  


There is potentially another method, which consists of injecting a small quantity of water (about 1/10 of the volume of produced oil) to transport the viscous crude oil in a “core-annular flow” mode. In this oil-water flow regime, a film of water flows around a core made of viscous oil. The advantage is that water lubricates the viscous oil core, and the pressure drop becomes equivalent to the case where a single-phase oil is transported with the viscosity of water. Alsoa much smaller quantity of water is required compared with the concept retained for the Tilenga field. It makes this method attractive, because the reduction of the injected water flow rate reduces the pipe diameter of the flowlines and the size of the water injection pumps. However, it was not retained for the Tilenga project, because the physical mechanisms involved are not sufficiently understood. For instance, we do not know what oil and water flow rates are required to form a stable film of water around the viscous oil core, since in pipes with a small inclination, gravity tends to drain the water film from the top to the bottom of the cross-section 


In this 18-months post-doc, we want to study core-annular flow by numerical simulation to understand the physical mechanisms at play in maintaining the water film around the circumference of the viscous oil core. Preliminary simulations were performed by a former postdoctoral researcher supervised by Dominique Legendre. We even have found possible new explanation for the stability of the water film.  

Context & Environment

There are today too many open questions to consider a design based on the transport of a viscous oil in a core-annular flow modeFor instance, the minimum flow rates and the minimum ratio between oil and water viscosity to form a stable core-annular flow are not known. Experimentally, we have observed in a 4” horizontal pipe with a 0.2 Pa∙s viscous oil that a water film climbed up the wall, but it did not reach the top of the cross-section. Hence, the mechanism transporting water to the top of the cross-section must be a function of the oil viscosity. Also, a shutdown will necessarily lead to the stratification of oil and water, and questions remain about how easily a core-annular flow can be formed at a restart. The objective of the post-doc is to address those questions, so that core-annular flow can be considered as mature enough for future designs of oil fields with viscous oils 

TotalEnergies is a global multi-energy company engaged in the production and supply of various forms of energy: oil and biofuels, natural gas and green gases, renewables, and electricity. Its 105,000 employees are committed to providing increasingly affordable, clean, reliable, and accessible energy to a wide audience. Present in over 130 countries, TotalEnergies places sustainability at the core of its projects and operations to contribute to the well-being of communities.