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Weniger als 3 Jahre

Kontext & Umgebung

The Air Compliance & Decarbonization – GHG Representative is responsible for the Air Regulatory Compliance Program for TotalEnergies Barnett USA, LLC (TEEP Barnett) gas production assets under the direction of the Air Supervisor.  Additionally, this position fills a crucial supporting role in Decarbonization - GHG detection, quantification, reduction and reporting per corporate and external commitments. Performs activities necessary for complete and accurate data analysis, regulatory and corporate submittals. 

The individual filling the position is expected to set a personal example by taking responsibility for their own safety and that of fellow workers; reporting any abnormal/potentially hazardous conditions; and actively participating in HSE meetings, safety talks, toolbox meetings, training sessions and drills. Coordinates mainly with local stakeholders but also headquarters and other affiliates. 

Geographic perimeter/operation style will be gas production in the Strawn Basin.


  • 4-Year Technical Degree (e.g., Engineering, Environmental Science, Chemistry, Geology) 
  • Demonstrated working knowledge of air quality regulations for oil & gas production, with emphasis on NSPS OOOO, Subpart W and TCEQ air permitting.
  • Previous experience with complex regulatory, permitting and compliance air/GHG issues on major operations or projects.
  • Expertise supporting corporate Decarbonization - GHG and air emissions reporting. 
  • Skilled in air emission calculations, regulatory gap analysis and reporting. General understanding of commonly used air models.
  • Expertise in assessing the impact of and developing/implementing strategies to address environmental air emissions regulatory initiatives
  • Demonstrated understanding and experience managing large groups of operational data at a detailed or summary level to support emission calculation and reporting
  • Demonstrated sound analytical and diagnostic skills dealing with issues that are loosely defined and/or where information is available but must be further analyzed
  • 1 year of oil & gas production air program experience
  • 1 year of oil & gas production GHG management experience
  • Must have effective written and oratory communication skills. 
  • Proficient with MS Office software (Excel, Word, PowerPoint, Outlook, etc).

Profil der Bewerberin/des Bewerbers

Air Compliance Activities and Responsibilities

  • Takes needed steps to ensure appropriate air permitting (currently all authorizations are per Permits-by-Rule). Currently, the position provides information to and directs consultants who create & submit air permit documents to the regulatory agency. 
  • Maintains a working knowledge of existing and proposed applicable regulations through self-study as well as participation in regulatory and industry groups, training and conferences. 
  • Applies regulatory knowledge and industry experience to evaluate technical and regulatory challenges. Participates in devising solutions/procedures to address those challenges. Communicates same appropriately within the company.
  • Compiles data, performs emission calculations, prepares and submits reports per regulatory programs, including Subpart W Mandatory Greenhouse Gas Reporting and NSPS OOOO. Ensures compliance tasks (associated with air regulations or permits) including notification, recordkeeping, agency reporting, and monitoring are completed and documented in a timely manner. 
  • Serves as the point-of-contact for third party air regulatory complaints and requests for information. 
  • Supports air quality incident response, and resolution. Reports instances of potential air emission limit exceedances or other non-compliance permit to the Director of Environment and Sustainability. 

Decarbonization - GHG Activities and Responsibilities 

  • Assists with development of GHG inventories, emission reduction projects, and other GHG management systems, tools, and products.
  • Identifies and evaluates GHG management best practices
  • Conducting independent policy and technical research on a variety of GHG management and other general environmental issues.
  • Performs other duties as assigned.


  • Develops productive relationships with team members in all departments as needed.
  • Problem solver: works with an appropriate sense of urgency with stakeholders (e.g., Operations Superintendent) to ensure effective communication between Operations and Air team and that processes are working to ensure compliance with air permits, air compliance regulations and corporate requirements.


  • Occasional field work. PPE and field transportation provided. Rare travel.

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